Friday, February 12, 2010

Olorogun Oscar Ibru as a comedian

Olorogun Oscar Ibru, the heir apparent to the Ibru dynasty would probably have been more popular if he had chosen comedy as a career. Only a few know that the eldest child of the business mogul, Olorogun Michael Ibru is a humour merchant. He does it with ease dotting every of his speech with humour. Recently at a function where he was quietly seated with some of his friends and associates, they were noiselessly engulfed in laughter by the humour packed famous businessman even when there was dull moment on stage. Sources close to him hinted that the man though unassuming, suave and handsome, his capacity to rouse a multitude to hilarious laughter is legendary. At one of the interludes at the occasion, the dashed outside, lit a cigarette, and enjoyed himself. Oscar who is approaching his 52nd birthday in August is hardly noticed, his simple lifestyle despite the towering position he occupies in the Ibru dynasty, has often confounded people especially those who rarely know the stuff in him.

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